Trust Administration & Probate

For many serving as executors or trustees, the responsibilities they face seem daunting during an already stressful time. The probate or trust administration process occurs during an emotional time for families; and the complex, detailed tasks associated with the process can only add to the stress.  By working with executors and trustees, we strive to make the post-death settlement process as easy and stress free as possible by providing clear, detailed guidance on the legal and technical aspects of administering an estate or trust.

Whether you are an executor faced with a probate or a trustee tasked with sorting out the settlement process, our attorneys will work closely with you to coordinate every aspect along the way.

Our probate and administration attorneys will, among other things, help coordinate and execute the following:

  • drafting and filing of necessary legal documents;
  • collection of assets;
  • appraisal/valuation of assets;
  • collection of insurance proceeds;
  • payment of debts;
  • dealing with creditors;
  • determination and payment of any required taxes;
  • distribution of assets;
  • closing the estate.