business Planning lawyers

Starting, Growing, & Transitioning your Business

Often, personal estate plans involve family businesses.  Whether the business is a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, C-Corporation, or S-Corporation, we will ensure that your personal estate plan works seamlessly with your business interests.  Throughout the years, we’ve found that people often overlook the risk associated with owning a business – risk that can also impact their personal assets if the proper planning isn’t done.  At Legacy Design Strategies, our business planning lawyers ensure that both your personal and business interests are properly planned for. 

There are a multitude of business considerations when it comes to planning. Often times, business owners are so time-invested in running their business, that they forget to consider important items like succession plans, valuation, exit strategies, and disability planning. To ensure that your business interests are treated in the manner you intend, proper business planning is crucial.

Our law firm also has experience advising clients on business structuring, planning and strategy, systems and processes, and operations, so that our clients can maximize their resources and time.